Women’s Health

At Select Women’s Healthcare, women of all ages and backgrounds will enjoy the same loving, thoughtful and professional care. Our services are geared to educate and empower our patients so that they can enjoy the best reproductive health possible. Our specialized women’s services include breast exams, pap smears, STD testing, and menopause treatment.

Annual Services

Standard annual visits normally include pap smears, breast exams, and other necessary tests. During the consultation, we also discuss any concerns such as abnormal periods, pain, bleeding and nausea. Our patients are actively involved in deciding the care they will receive.

As a young lady develops, the need for professional feminine care becomes a necessary part of her overall health care requirement. These visits usually begin between ages 12-15 and are adjusted to meet her specific needs to make her feel comfortable. The healthcare professionals at Select Women’s Healthcare provide the same loving professional care to her, taking into consideration her youth and inexperience. Guiding her through this transition period.

breast exam, pap smear, std testing (screening), sexually transmitted disease test, menopause treatment
breast exam, pap smear, std testing (screening), sexually transmitted disease test, menopause treatment

Menstrual Disorders

During health screenings, testing, or monitoring Select Women’s Healthcare will provide any additional services to properly take care of conditions related to painful menstruation, irregular cycles, and symptoms that may indicate the presence of fibroids or other conditions like PMS, dysmenorrhea, and other menstrual disorders.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Many women experience poor reproductive health because they are not aware of the choices available to them. Others, through choices in their social interaction, suffer the unpleasant occurrence of STDs. At Select Women’s Healthcare we always have the patient’s health at heart. We provide the correct type of treatment to treat our patients. We also use education and interaction with health care practitioners to reduce the possibility of contracting STDs.

We encourage our patients to make safe, wise, and deliberate choices as it relates to their sexual relations. It is important for sexually active women to receive STD screening regularly.


Menopause is a stage of life that can be very challenging for many women. Select Women’s Healthcare provides information and education to assist with understanding this phase. We will work alongside our patient to devise a plan to deal with it’s onset and throughout its duration.

The symptoms can cause irritability and severe stress. Including the following:

  • Insomnia
  • Night Sweats
  • Unexplained fatigue
  • And others

Menopause treatment can help.